The Space Needle at night

Center for Business Ethics

Promoting Ethics and Responsible Business

inspiring business people to build business cultures that respect persons, relationships, communities, and ecosystems.

Established in 2011, the Center for Business Ethics (CBE) partners with business leaders, scholars, faculty, students, and alumni to critically examine ethical issues in business and the role business can play in advancing the common good.

The Center for Business Ethics is also the administrative home of the Northwest Ethics Network (NWEN), an independent group of ethics and compliance professionals representing over 30 Pacific Northwest organizations. 

Our Mission

The Center for Business Ethics was built on the notion that promoting ethics and social responsibility in business is an academic and practical endeavor, involving, at once, scholarly research, curriculum development, and active student engagement as well as collaboration with business leaders, visiting scholars, and alumni. The Center serves as a reminder that responsible business conduct is a concern that the Albers School of Business and Economics, Seattle University, and the greater Seattle area are uniquely positioned to support.

The Center's objectives are to:

  • Strengthen relationships with the business community to help examine and address ethical problems in business
  • Promote high-quality, values-driven business education for students
  • Facilitate academic excellence through scholarship in ethics and corporate responsibility
  • Deepen the public examination of the role of business in promoting the common good

Inquiries and information

Jeffery Smith, PhD

Frank Shrontz Professor of Professional Ethics